Water System Maintenance Beginning December 11th – December 15th

Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 31 & 32 – Resident Notice

Flushing of the District’s water lines will be performed beginning on December 11th – December 15th, 2023

This flushing is being conducted to perform routine maintenance of the District’s fire hydrants and water mains. In addition to that, the flushing is an effort being made by the district to reduce discolored water and increase overall water quality. SiEnviro expects to complete the work in the timeframe mentioned above; however, discolored water may persist for a short time after the work is complete. During these days, you may notice discoloring of the water due to mineral sediment that is being flushed out of the system. The sediment is made of naturally occurring minerals. This sediment can cause staining of clothing and some porous surfaces. Please check the water before washing clothes.


If you have a water softener or inline filtration system in your home, you will need to valve off and bypass that unit during the above dates (and during the recommended home flushing discussed below). Automatic ice makers should also be turned off during this period. Homeowners, if you have any additional questions, please call your manufacturer or installer for specific details. PLEASE BE AWARE that a failure to valve off or bypass these systems may result in the need to replace the filters earlier than normal.

Upon completion of the District’s system flushing on the above dates, ALL RESIDENTS are advised to flush their own home as well (with softener or filtration still valved-off or bypassed). When flushing use only the bathtub faucets.  Run the bathtubs all the way open for 5 – 7 minutes.  Additionally, you may find it necessary to clean any faucet screens of debris that may have passed during this flushing process.

Customer Service – 832-490-1600

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 10:00 AM

The Board generally meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP, 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600, Houston, Texas 77027.

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